Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Crazy Week

It has been a long time since my last post, and chances are I won't be able to compose another substantial or outdoor related post for another week. My exams started today, so I will be overwhelmed with studying and exam taking until next Wednesday. I already have two of my final grades in, and both are A-, which is a pretty good start. My exam today was for geology, and I somehow managed to pull a 93% on the final which brought my grade in that class up to a B- I hope! I now have 4 exams left...hopefully they go as well as the one did today!

My job search is going pretty well too! I had to call the sheriff's office I applied with to get an extension on turning in all of my paperwork. Luckily they were very understanding about my exams and graduation, so they granted me a two week extension! I am also contemplating applying for a few other jobs in the next few weeks once my schedule calms down.

I'd also like to thank those of you who have been stopping by and leaving comments! I really enjoy the feedback and I am looking forward to visiting more blogs once I get done with the craziness that is my last semester of college. The past few times I have visited the Outdoor Blogger's Summit I noticed how many new sites have joined since I did a few weeks ago. It looks like there are lots of great sites to check out as soon as I get the time. I can't wait to stop by and say hi!


  1. Good luck on the exams and looking forward to reading more from you!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my hunting journal, Tom. I appreciate your comment. I will be sure to add you to my blogroll. Best of luck on the exams.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Rob!

  4. Tom - Good to hear things are going pretty well. Wishing you success with the rest of the exams and looking forward to more of your blog posting.

  5. whoa! i like your cool slideshow on the side, nice touch!
