Monday, September 28, 2009

It's Been Awhile

I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. Truthfully I haven't had much that was outdoor related to blog about. This is because I finally started my new job as a corrections officer. I am finally working a set shift and getting into the swing of things, so I hope to start blogging more.

I know I am going hunting tomorrow morning. A massive cold front has moved through, so I am hoping there will be a bunch of deer moving. I would like to shoot one more antlerless deer before the real season starts this Saturday. Luckily I have that day off, so I'll be able to do some horn hunting! Deer season sure has snuck up on me this year even though I hunted a few times during the early season. I guess having a job does that to ya!

Hopefully I'll knock down a few deer in the next week and have something cool to blog about. Best of luck to everyone who is preparing for their respective hunting seasons!


  1. Good luck knocking down one last doe, and good luck once the regular season starts. Hope you kill a bruiser.

    Today I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve. Tomorrow morning is our archery opener, we have cold front moving through too, and I cannot wait.

  2. That's awesome man! Sounds like perfect conditions for you guys. Knock down one of those Michigan giants!

  3. I have to say I've been rather busy myself. Good luck to you on the rest of your season. I plan on hitting the woods tomorrow morning for my first bow hunt of the year. Keep us posted on how your season is goin!
