Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pics From My Latest River Trip

I spent the evening on the Shenandoah River again tonight. I caught a lot of fish, but no monsters this time. I did see some really cool critters hanging out down by the river though...

If you look close enough there is a huge Bald Eagle hanging out in the Sycamore tree.

Here is an Egret...

And this was my view on the way back to the boat landing...

I plan on being back on the river at least one more time before I go on my cruise to Bermuda. Hopefully Hurricane Bill doesn't change the plans!


  1. Not to give away your fishing spot but just wondering what part of the Shenandoah--north or south fork or main stem?

  2. Great looking pictures! I love outdoor photography. The last pic with the sunset is beautiful.

  3. Paul- Thanks! There are so many cool things in the outdoors that are better captured with a camera rather than a rod or a gun.

  4. Tom, Iliked the "...other than with a rod or a gun." Ruark would approve.

  5. So when's the "I got a job as a lawman" post coming?
