Thursday, August 27, 2009

Exciting News

I am going to keep this short and sweet. I just got back from a great 5 day cruise to Bermuda. I'll hopefully have some pictures to share within the next few days. I'm doing a little bit more traveling this weekend before I head home.
I reckon I will follow my cousin Matt's advice and share this important development...The big news I have to share is that I received word that I have been hired as a Sheriff's Office Deputy in Virginia. After about a 5 month application process this was great news to hear. My tentative start date is September 17. That leaves me two whole weeks of nothing but Smallmouth fishing and early archery season deer hunting. After that I have 12 hour shifts and real life to look forward to! I am truly blessed to have been given this opportunity so soon after graduation. I can't wait to start.
Hopefully I'll have some sort of post up by Sunday detailing my trip to Bermuda. Thanks to all of you who have offered well wishes during my job search!


  1. Congratulations, Tom! Sounds exciting and I can't wait to hear about Bermuda!

  2. Congrats! That is awesome. Enjoy the next two weeks off, and then it will be time to head to work. Awesome!

  3. Kim and Simply- Thanks so much for all the well wishes. Kim, can't wait to see ya'll tomorrow!

  4. Tom - Congratulations, glad to hear that you will soon be employed and ready to kick start a new career. Looking forward to future blogging efforts.

  5. Mel- Thanks a lot! I'm sure I'll have plenty of interesting things to blog about as hunting season starts and my training begins.

  6. Congrats on the job! It is so difficult to find a job these days. That couple week break for fishing will be great. You've have a busy Summer, and some relaxation is perfect before you start a new job.
